Edtech selection toolkit
Explore how the learning sciences serve as an evidence-based foundation for enhancing teaching practice, debunking learning myths, and improving edtech selection.

Debunk learning myths
Take five minutes to debunk a common learning myth with the learning sciences and explore how that research informs edtech selection.

Our microcourse series dives deeper into the research that debunks common learning myths, as well as tips on selecting edtech that is aligned with the science
Launch into Learning Sciences: How Learning Works
Learning is a complex process. How do we learn? What does science tell us about how to make learning efficient, effective, and inclusive? Our Launch into Learning Sciences course walks the walk of the learning sciences to help educators build upon common classroom practices in powerful ways.

Created with practitioner voice at the center, these evaluation guides point teachers and edtech decision makers towards key features that signal a product was built with the learning sciences in mind.
District PolicymakersPOLICY RESOURCES
District Policymakers
Read ISTE’s case studies on how districts around the country strategically engage learning sciences, and recommendations for policies to help educators understand and apply learning sciences in their classrooms.
Case Studies : What have districts done?
Teacher leaders as ambassadors
Learn how Frederick County Public Schools transformed the role of teacher leaders into ambassadors for learning sciences.
Read to transformEmpowering district educators
By leveraging strategic partnerships and incentivized professional development, Delta County School District is empowering teachers with learning sciences.
Read to empowerEssential practices for educators
District leaders in the nation’s capital have identified a learning sciences-based core set of "essential practices" expected from their educators and are now seeing it in the classroom.
Read to applyMore on learning
Washoe County’s leaders took evidence-based steps to build the capacity of teachers and school administrators to support students’ social-emotional skills.
Read to grow -
State PolicymakersPOLICY RESOURCES
State Policymakers
Read the findings of ISTE’s policy scan which examines how states are supporting learning sciences through policies that govern educator quality and student learning. ISTE also provides policy recommendations that states can pursue to support implementation of classroom practices and educational resources supported by learning sciences.
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